'Wer das liest, ist doof!' - 'Only fools read this!'
The 'Only fools read this!' is mirrored writing Wallhanging, so only if you take a look in the mirror, the message appears. This is p.e. a lovely way of showing hospitality in the bathroom.
The Wallhangings come with the choice of having a non-reversible hard backing so you can easily hang them on the wall, or a felt backing so you can use it as a rug.
Size: ca. 60 * 60 cm
If you'd like to customize this product - have different colors or wool yarn instead, please use the contact form and we can find a design that suits you.
Since it's all handmade, the sizes might differ a bit.
Front: 100% acrylic yarn
Soft backing: 100% felt
Hard backing: PVC board, feltCare Guide
Lint removal: use a lint-roller - and use it lightly.
If necessary you can carefully trim the front with a scissor.
Please do not try to wash in the washing machine or dryclean.
You can vacuum the product (not on maximum power).
For spot-removal use a damp towel and uncolored detergent, then let dry completely.